Most Overlooked Success Principles by Frederick M.

Horse Sense

"#1 Most Overlooked Success Principle: Find a Good Horse to Ride!"
Find a Good Horse to Ride!

Quotes from HORSE SENSE: The Key to Success Is Finding a Horse to Ride by Al Ries & Jack Trout:
"The purpose of this book is to shake you out of your concentration on yourself. We think you need to open your mind to the outside world. You need to search for success outside of yourself. This book will describe some of the people, places, things, and ideas where you can find it.

Losers look inside themselves for the key to success when success is all around them, needing only an open mind and a keen eye.

Winners look to others to make them successful...

If you wanted to be Vice President of the United States at the age of 41, would you have spent four years in college drinking beer, playing golf, and getting grades of Cs and Ds? Dan Quayle did... Dan Quayle didn't make Dan Quayle Vice President of the United States at the age of 41. George Bush did.

Tom Peters echos the same idea: "I don't like the whole notion of career planning. I've never had a formula, never had a life plan. I've taken advantage of luck when it came along." And he adds, "Luck is 98 percent of the deal."

...One thing Mr. Trump left out of his book was the critical, make-or-break moment in his life, the moment when he turned to his father, Fred Trump, and asked: "Hey, Dad, how about $50 million?"

...You'll do much, much better in life if you look outside yourself and find a horse to ride."

"#2 Most Overlooked Success Principle:
Get Lucky!"

The Science of Getting Lucky!

I (Frederick Mann) used to reject the idea of "luck" out of hand. That started changing when I read the book Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. (He's also the author of The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable.)

Then I "dug out" a book on luck by Richard Wiseman, which I'd bought a few years ago, but hadn't read. To my surprise I found that Wiseman had studied luck scientifically.
I now suspect that luck may be one of the most important success factors for many people. Just learn to get lucky!

Actually, it's more involved than that. You may need to prepare and set things up so you can "take advantage of luck" when opportunities -- like JSS-Tripler! -- become available to you. InChange Your Luck: The Scientific Way To Improve Your Life!, Dr. Richard Wiseman provides four Principles and 12 Subprinciples:

  • Principle One: Maximize your chance opportunities.
    • Subprinciple 1: Build and maintain a strong "network of luck."
    • Subprinciple 2: Have a relaxed attitude toward life.
    • Subprinciple 3: Be open to new experiences.
  • Principle Two: Listen to your lucky hunches.
    • Subprinciple 4: Listen to your gut feelings and hunches.
    • Subprinciple 5: Take steps to boost your intuition.
  • Principle Three: Expect good fortune.
    • Subprinciple 6: Expect your good luck to continue in the future.
    • Subprinciple 7: Attempt to achieve your goals,even if your chances of success seem slim, and persevere in the face of failure.
    • Subprinciple 8: Expect your interactions with others to be lucky and successful.
  • Principle Four: Turn your bad luck into good.
    • Subprinciple 9: See the positive side of your bad luck.
    • Subprinciple 10: Be convinced that any ill fortune in your life will, in the long run, work out for the best.
    • Subprinciple 11: Do not dwell on your ill fortune.
    • Subprinciple 12: Take constructive steps to prevent more bad luck in the future.

    "#3 Most Overlooked Success Principle: Overcome Fear!"

    General anxiety or fear may prevent you from getting on the best "horse" you find. General anxiety or fear may "kill your luck."
    While prudence is in order -- you don't necessarily "put all your eggs in one basket" -- you may nevertheless want to become a "fearless rider."
    Must-read book: The 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene. Extract from the review on by Andrea L. Ruben:
    The 50th Law, a book like nothing you've ever read before. I first expected a continuation of Mr. Greene's other books...; this is to say the least completely different. Fearlessness is the basic focus of The 50th Law. The book explains how fear can cripple most people from living their lives well and with power. It also gives examples of those who lived on the fringes of society, who applied themselves fearlessly to the mastery of their own particular goals in the midst of despairing circumstance. The book's co-author 50 Cent, is one of Robert Greene's most adept pupils who rose in fame, money and power in a few short years amidst many life-changing setbacks. What an inspiration for anyone who wants more than their current situation in life can give them right now... Read this book with an open mind, you may realize that fear is the only thing holding you back from what you truly want. It may be hard, gritty and abrasive yet this is the only book that will tell you the truth about how exactly one rises to power in this world; it's not pretty and it's fearless.

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