... by Franco Gonzalez
I love & learned from this article & I hope you will too :-)
Happy Networking
Quick but important marketing tip:
Most people fail to get any results
with their “marketing” because they
are constantly focused only on their
selfish desperate “needs” and they
just pitch, hustle and spam people.
They don’t even attempt to add value.
They don’t even attempt to share wisdom,
concepts or strategies that can help others…
They don’t even attempt to serve.
It’s all about “Quick join me join me join me!”
“Oh hurry and join me! We have the
“best team” and this is going to the moon, etc etc
and “timing is everything” you have to get in first…”
And it attracts pure garbage.
Garbage in…
Garbage out…
What’s missing in most people’s “marketing”
What are you offering another entrepreneur
that is going to ADD VALUE to their life now?
Why should they even pay attention to you?
Most people that desperately pitch and hustle
and spam people at every opportunity do it
They just want the fast $$$ now.
So the only thing they tend to attract
(if anything) is a little pile of other people
who thing similar thoughts.
And with “that type” of people, is it any wonder
they each begin to program hop immediately
and all they focus on is spamming each other
the “next best cycler?”
These are the types of people that are
always angry about other people’s success.
They are the most cynical.
They are the most negative.
Because they are void of understanding
how value really works and they don’t really
give a rip about people… they just want
bodies in their comp plans…
Don’t take my word for it…
Just look around.
It’s easy to spot.
And usually they are never in any sort
of profit momentum…
Usually they are always desperately
chasing the next dollar.
After over 10 years full time doing
and teaching this kind of marketing,
you grow to have absolutely no time
or need to even dive into this topic or
entertain it…
But sometimes you have to come back to
basics and teach people the fundamentals
of SUCCESS in this industry and also
(and even more importantly)
You have to come back and teach about
what behaviors and mindsets lead so many
people in this industry to straight FAILURE
and program hopping aimlessly.
Focus on VALUE.
Focus on SERVICE.
Ask yourself this:
“What is it that I am looking for in a program,
in a sponsor, in a team and in my training?”
And jot down your answers.
Then go find it and/or CREATE IT for your
own prospects.
Create that which you are looking for.
And others will show up too.
Good quality people will see that you’re
focused on VALUE and SERVICE and
GIVING people something they can use
to improve their business and life.
The cynics and program gamers???
Oh they will hate that and bash and criticize
as usual… but listen…
That’s all they ever do.
That’s all they have always done in life…
That’s exactly why they are in the
little lives that they are stuck in right now…
They will continue to blame everything
and everyone else.
Focus on SERVING your market.
Provide VALUE to your own market in
your own way.
Questions on how to do that?
You can look around and find truly
influential people online in your niche
and model HOW they think and HOW
they do what they do.
Study success.
Now, if you just go around and study
and “model” other program hoppers
and biz op gamers… then you’ll only
learn how to hop around like they do.
Find real business people that have
been around for a while and have built
sustainable models that keep them full
time without the drama.
And you’ll find your clues…
99% of new and existing people in this
arena are constantly in search for better
information, systems and training.
Give it to them.
And you’ll fill your programs and teams
with good people.
It takes an entrepreneur’s MINDSET
to succeed in the world of FREE ENTERPRISE.
A sexy, hyped up comp plan is not your
solution… never has been.
Happy marketing,
Franco Gonzalez
P.S. If what you do and how you do it
is truly focused on serving people and
being a resource of value to a market…
You need make no apologies for running
a successful and sustainable business.
Win by leading.
Lead by winning.
Let others pick up their marbles
and go home crying… they should
have been providing more value
and building more trust and not
just pitching, hustling and spamming…